Letting Go of Your I am Nots....

We met a few months ago. For those who believe in coincidence, maybe. But maybe, for those who believe God directs and is always working behind the scenes, we would call it a divine appointment.

I had been invited to a women’s networking lunch. I sat with my friend who had invited me and she sat down next to me. We were both guests and were invited to stand up and share about our businesses. If you’ve been here long, you know what I say - so let’s cut to the chase.

Her intro started with one simple word. IMAGINE.




Imagine having a stroke at the age of 27. Imagine being on life support. Imagine having to relearn all the things. Talking. Walking. Thinking.

I couldn’t. That wasn’t my story. But her short intro to her own business had me leaning in for more. What do you do? Tell me more about your story. Is God a part of your story?

We met for lunch a couple of weeks later. We talked life on mission. More about her story and a little about mine. Selling coaching. And, of course, faith + Jesus.

Her mission is simple. It is to empower women to stop saying I am not and start saying I am. I was leaning in. Leaning in because I too have some things I tell myself about what I am not. I was leaning in because I work on this with some of my clients. I was leaning in because this was a message we all need.

We are invited to let go of the I am nots to embrace who we truly are. We are invited to believe what God says is true of us. We are invited to step boldly and bravely into who God is calling us to be and do.

Fast forward a couple of months and we meet again. On purpose. Because this new friend? She holds a conference twice a year for women like me and like you. Women who want to embrace who they are as they stop saying ‘I am not”.

I committed to being a boutique vendor and introduce the women at this conference to the Enneagram. I was there to serve and to connect with women. I was also there to lean into the things I say to myself. What am I telling myself that I am not? And better yet, what are your own I am nots? What story are we telling ourselves that is keeping us from stepping out of the boat and bravely following Jesus?

And one better. How do you and I get started with swapping out our I am nots for I ams? Stay with me. I’ve got you covered.

Own where you are


You can’t get to where you’re going until you identify where you are. Thinking about and even recording thee “I am nots” that you say to yourself is a good place to start. So what are some examples of I am nots to get your started…

  • I am not enough

  • I am not pretty

  • I am not smart

  • I am not worthy/valuable

  • I am not loved

Having some trouble coming up with your own I am not statements? At the conference, my friend had us start with jotting down 3 I am statements and identifying any that were negative. For instance, I am slow is technically still an I am not because it’s negative.

Choose to live as if your I am is true

Next, if you haven’t already done so, examine your I am not statements. If any of them have .a negative connotation, cross that word out and replace it with a positive one. At the conference, we were led through an exercise where we found a partner, looked theme in the eyes, and shared our I am statement.

Mine was I AM A SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS OWNER. I can tend to think my .little corner is not successful because it’s small. After we were finished, our partner was to respond with “I believe you.”.

Since you’re not at a conference and may not have a partner handy, feel free to say this to yourself in your mirror. Don’t forget the I believe you. Mostly because one of the most important people who can believe in you is you!

Claim God’s truth

Here’s a bonus step we didn’t practice at the conference. Identify and claim God’s truth over your life. The Bible is full of truth about who you are and your value and being loved. The problem can be that this world? It screams at us identifying our I am nots.


When we replace our I am nots with the power of God’s Word, we start to transform from the inside out. What’s true about you from Scripture? You are a daughter of the king. You were knit together in your mother’s womb. You are engraved on the palms of God’s hand.

Once you find that verse that speaks directly to your I am not? Hide it in your heart. Carry it with you on an index card. Memorize it. Every time that I am not comes us, go to battle with who God says you are.

I don’t know about you, but I need this message. The I am nots come naturally. They pop up when I least expect them. And they can remind me of my doubts and derail me and my ability to step courageously for God. Friends, one foot courage requires that we face our I am nots and start living out who God says we are.

Hey there, I’d love to hear from you. What helps you transform your negative thoughts into who you are in Christ? I’d love to hear from you and pray for you.